Context-aware environments

The integration of context awareness and web services into virtual prototyping applications offers considerable potential for enhancing their versatility and ensuring that end-users are provided with access to context-specific data, information and services. The context parameters that need to be incorporated can be defined by the project team based on ...

Multi-agent virtual world as design platform

Using simulation platforms like Second Life for virtual prototyping (products, buildings and urban settings) is a very sound concept. Many efforts exist, as well, to change from closed and proprietary software systems to rather open-source oriented frameworks within design advancement. The idea is to introduce performative simulations of design proposals ...

Virtual Performative Design

The concept of the designer “thinking through his drawing” was main perception of design for decades. Design was seen as a manipulative process of formal representations done by drawing or modeling. However, if the form finding is based upon performance then the emergence is a preference rather then preconceived ...

JAVA & Processing

Knowledge Visualization is the ability to collect, store, and manage data is increasing quickly, but our ability to understand it remains constant. In an attempt to gain better understanding of data, fields such as information visualization, data mining and graphic design are employed, each solving an isolated part of the ...

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